Key Highlights on DPT-3 Form (including ICSI Webinar key points)
As per the recent amendments made under the Companies Act, 2013 and read with the various notification issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of Indiaâ€
The companies are required to make disclosures of Deposits pursuant to rule 16 and 16A of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014
Some Key Points regarding E-Form DPT - 3
DPT-3: Rule 16 of Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014
Deposit is defined under Rule 2(1)(c) of the (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014)
1. DPT-3 has to be filed twice:
a) First DPT-3 for amounts which are NOT deposits (exempted deposits) outstanding as on 31.3.2019 AND received on or after 1.4.2014 by 29th June 2019 where Auditor's certificate is NOT mandatory.
b) Second DPT-3 is for the transaction during the year, which are deposits as well as transaction during the year, which are not deposits (exempted deposits) by 30 June 2019, where Auditor's Certificate is mandatory. This is to be filled every year.
2) Nil DPT-3 is not required to be filled
1. E-Form DPT-3 is available w.e.f. 01st May 2019 on MCA Portal for filing purpose.
2. Four types of different returns required to be filed by a particular Company with the ROC as mentioned in the E-Form DPT-3:
a) Onetime Return for disclosure of details of outstanding money or loan received by a company but not considered as deposits in terms of rule 2(1)(c) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014:
b) Return of Deposit
c) Particulars of transactions by a company not considered as deposit as per rule 2 (I) (c) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 2014
d) Return of Deposit and Particulars of transactions by a company not considered as a deposit
Key highlights of the webinar :
1. One time return: within 90 days from 31.03.2019 hence the due date is 29.06.2019
2. Return filed by companies accepting deposits and does not have exempted deposits.
3. Return of Exempted deposit by all the Companies other than Govt Companies and NBFC’s. :
4. Any Companies has not accepted deposit but has received some money which is not treated as deposit as mentioned under the definition of deposit (Yearly return)
5. Companies having exempted deposits and accepted deposits.
6. For the Purpose of One Time Return and 1st yearly return, the particular date is 31.03.2019.
7. One Time: Particulars required to be given: Only Final outstanding amount not the bifurcation of that amount.
8. Why two returns for the same date is 31.03.2019 :
Because two different kinds of information’s are going :
a) only the o/s amount and other is a detailed bifurcation of the amount.
b) One time return, we have to give the details amounts which are received after 01.04.2014 and outstanding as on 31.03.2019
For ex.
The Company has received 50 lakhs rupees on 15.03.2014 and 40 lakhs Rupees on 15.04.2014 and Entire amount of Rs. 90 lakhs is outstanding as on 31.03.2019:
In the above case for One Time Return we will consider only 40 lakhs i.e. amount received after 01.04.2014 and reported the same.
And while filing 1st Yearly return there is no bifurcation between the amount received before or after 01.04.2014 and hence 90 lakhs will come and reported.
9. Some Important aspects :
i). Amount received from an LLP as a loan is not covered under exempted deposit that will fall under the definition of deposit.
ii) If we received trade advance for more than 365 days and as on 31st March is outstanding then it should be covered under the definition of deposit.
iii). If a director is giving loan to a Company when he is holding the post of director in the company then this will become exempted deposit and he should give a declaration for the same that the amount is from his / her own fund not from the borrowed fund otherwise, it will be treated as a deposit.
iv). If Company make a public issue of securities and received money but does not allot shares with 60 days then Share application money which is outstanding less than 60 days will fall under the definition of Exempted deposit and if more than 60 days ( not allotted shares/ refunded the money) then fall under the definition of deposit.
v). Amount received from a HUF by Pvt Ltd. Company: Exempted deposit because HUF is not separate legal entity and the amount received will be treated as an amount received from the KARTA.
In the case he is not a director and giving loan to a Company then it will be treated as deposit.
9. This is not in STP Mode, It will be processed by ROC.
10. Point No. 6 of Form: Objects of the Company: Automatically prefilled from the Last AOC-4 Filed by you where you mentioned your NIC Code and that NIC code will be captured by the system. And we should check whether the prefilled field is ok or not, If it is not matching with Companies data then we should raise a ticket with the MCA.
11. Clause 8: Net worth of the Company.
Date of return is 31.03.2019 so earlier Financial Statements would be 31.03.2018. No need to Audit Financial Statements to File DPT-3 Form.
Other intangible assets:
We Should attach a clarification letter to clarify the calculation of NETWORTH.
Because DPT-3 is asking Net worth and Other intangible assets both. So in this case Networth will be reduced because while computing net-worth for MCA-7 and AOC-4, the Net worth includes Other intangible assets.
So there will be a change in the Networth as per MGT-7 / AOC-4 and DPT-3.
12. Point – 14 of E-form :
Only Amount outstanding as on 31.03.2019 and only activated for one time return only.
One Time return has to be filed by all the company except Govt and NBFC.
It is advisable to obtain and attach Auditors Certificate ( statutory auditor) with Form DPT-3.
13. Exemption Given to :
Government Companies
Updates Webinar dated 24th May 2019
1 Nil Return for DPT-3 is not required
2. Auditors Certificate is required for Deposits only not for exempted Deposits.